January 24 - Cuverville Island - OOPS! Change of plans!!

Today we were to land on Cuverville Island, or ice de Caveliewr de Cuverville.   It is a dark, rocky island lying in the Errera Channel.   It is the home of6500 pairs of Gentoo Penguins, the largest colony for this species on the Antarctic Peninsula, but alas, the weather has caused the captain to alter our daily schedule.

Today we awoke to 60 mph winds, snow and rain.  It is so very cold - can't remember ever being this cold, even with adequate gear!  Sandi was up early this morning and out on their balcony.   She spotted nearly 40 whales, and they put on a very good show for her!!

All onshore activities are cancelled.   The wind and swells make it too dangerous for us to be in either kayaks or zodiacs.   So instead, we are cruising into the caldera of an active volcano, and will hopefully enter the Le Maire Channel, which is my absolute favorite place of our last cruise here.
This was the second try for the ship during the Antarctic summer, but there are still icebergs blocking the passage.   Though they have moved some, not safe for the ship to enter.  

John and Sandi were out on my balcony, fighting the wind and taking gorgeous photos.  I tried, but wind forced me inside to take photos through the windows.   This gave all of my photos a blue hue which is not real.   But even so, you will get a feeling of the grandeur of this area.

Only photos I tried to take outside:


These next photos were taken from inside my suite.   They should be just black and white as that is the natural color of what we are seeing.  



This last photo is through the window in my bedroom area.  I can lie in bed and watch the beauty go by.   Even if I wake in the middle of the night, it is light enough to view what we are passing.

Tonight we dined with Eric in the TK Grill.  Once again, lovely food.   Took photos on my iPhone and right now have no way to transfer to my computer.   Will have to wait until we get to the Falklands in a few days, then will update this blog.

Finished the evening with a little play at Blackjack and Poker - but left the tables dead even.  No gains, no losses - guess that's a WIN!!


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