Adventures in Buenos Aires and flying home.

Where to begin!

When we checked into the hotel on the morning of the 3rd, the concierge suggested we take in the craft fair out in the district of San Telmo.   Also there was a very good Parilla - the Argentines' answer to BBQ . . . and more meat than one can eat.



The fair was a disappointment in that all of the crafts were very crude and though very inexpensive, there wasn't much that we would have purchased, even had we the room to pack it in our luggage!  While hesitant to post the next photo, this bar stood out in the craft fair area.


 We walked about 6 blocks of the fair and then headed for the restaurant.   There would be a 40 minute wait and there was nowhere to wait.   We decided to walk down the block and have a drink.   Though it's not Brazil, (just next door) - we ordered Caipirihnas, the national drink of Brazil.    It took forever for them to come and when they finally did arrive, the waitress lost her grip on the tray and one drink toppled over right down my chest and into my lap.   I was covered with Cachaca, limes, lots of sugar, and the floor around me looked like a citrus dump!   I immediately remembered our first dinner in Santiago when I was covered in red wine and burst out laughing.    The three of us laughed so hard, really think patrons in the restaurant must have thought we were all nuts.   Maybe that's why the apologetic waitress brought us a basket of peanuts in shell.   More laughter.

We then walked back to the restaurant where another 5 to 10 minutes' wait turned into another 30 minutes.   Finally seated at the table, we ordered and were presented with so much meat that it was impossible to finish.   All of this accompanied by a lovely bottle of Argentine Malbec that cost $20 - and it was the most expensive bottle on the menu.  There was no way we could finish all of the meat but we had a planned to take it back to the hotel for a snack later or tomorrow.

Sandi's Flank Steak                                                   Jeanne's Pork Neck Steak (there were 3!)

John's Absolutely HUGE Steak!

The next day we shopped throughout the neighborhood - only a few good shops, mostly buildings that are in need of extreme care.   Sidewalks are riddled with holes and loose surface - it's like walking through a field of land mines.  Am certain that there are sights we missed while we concentrated on where we planted our feet.  

We ended our walk in the Armenian district that was right around the corner from our hotel.   There were two good restaurants recommended, and only one was open on that Monday.   Sandi was happy to order for us and we were happy to let her.   The lunch was served family style and was really delicious.

Hummus and Sarma

Monte, Lamb Shishkebab, Lamb Lulekebab

It wouldn't be right not to end this blog with more food, so the next photo will show our picnic on my bed with the left over meats from the day before.   John went next door and purchased a half loaf of beautiful bread, and this was our snack before bedtime!

Thanks to Margaret Ann for posting this on her FB page.  Seemed an appropriate way to truly end this blog.

Currently at Newark, New Jersey airport, awaiting the boarding call for our final leg home.   The trip has been fabulous, but it will be wonderful to sleep in our own beds tonight.  


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