Bremerhaven, Germany - August 15

Happy Birthday to John and David!!!

Bremerhaven is a port city on Germany's North Sea coast.  The German Maritime Museum at the Old Harbor details the national and regional history of shipping and navigation.  Its collection includes the Bremen cog, a restored medieval vessel.  Nearby, the WWII submarine Wilhelm Bauer has been converted into a museum.  The German Emigration Center is dedicated to the history of those who left Bremerhaven for America.

Anyone who has dreamt of running away to sea will love Bremerhaven's waterfront Havenwelten (Harbor Worlds) area, with its old ships, rusty docks and glistening modern buildings pointing to a recent re-imagining of the city's harbor as a place to play and learn.

Founded in 1827 as a North Sea Harbor for Bremen, Bremerhaven has long been a conduit that has gathered the "huddled masses" from the verdant poor countryside and poured them into the world outside.  (Today it's the fourth largest container port in Europe.)  Of the millions who landed at New York's Ellis Island, a large proportion sailed from here, and an enticing exhibition at the German Emigration Center shares their history.  Continuing o this global theme, the neighboring Klimahaus museum, takes visitors on a fascinating journey around the world and its changing climes.  If you have an inquisitive mind, both museums are reason enough to come to town.

Not leaving the ship!  It's been pouring rain all day, coming down in buckets.  Went to breakfast in the Colonnade this morning and had Eggs Benedict - first time I've had a formal breakfast on this trip.   As a result, am skipping lunch and catching up on the journal.   The suitcases are out from under the bed and must also begin packing.

When I think of Bremerhaven, I think of the U-boats of WWII. Happy that the rain gives me an excuse to stay aboard.  Where we are berthed doesn't even rate a photo.  Pretty commercial and drab.

All good things must come to an end, and I have only two more nights aboard ship.

Tonight have been invited to a lecturer's table for dinner.   Should see if I can get one of his lectures on the television so I'll have some knowledge of what he's about!!!

More later . . .

Lecturer (table host) was charming, but never missed an opportunity to "lecture" - then on to TK Lounge for a little socializing and a limoncello - YUM!


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