Day at Sea - August 14

Beautiful day at sea, today!  For a change we even had sunshine most of the day with only a few spritzes, but mainly wonderful weather.  Good enough to sit out on the pool deck, drink a bit of Rose Sangria and have a light lunch.

Each two or three-week cruise, Seabourn presents a Galley Market Lunch.  All kinds of wonderful foods are available on a buffet basis throughout the galley.   Nothing is spared in creating some of the most beautiful presentations (especially the desserts) for our dining pleasure.   The lunch runs from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  This cruise is the first time I've not eaten there - it just seemed like too much food, and I knew I could not just take a little!   Instead, I went through the line with my camera so I could share the photos in this journal.  As I ended the line, there stood the Chef de Cuisine, who looked askance and asked me "What about your plate?".   Told him that I'd photographed everything and was already full!  He laughed!

Know there are tons of photos, and I cannot name every dish but will try.

Minestrone.                                                                Salumi.

Clever rooster carved out of veggies/fruit.                   Suckling Pig.

Watermelon Rose.                                                     Sublime Seafood.

. . . more seafood.                                                       Assorted Salads.

Lobster and King Crab.                                             Greek, Potato and Pasta Salads

I see bacon!!!                                                             Baked Beans and Pizza.

Potatoes and Veggies.                                                 Scalloped Potatoes and Paella
Fresh Fish on Ice.                                                       The cooked fish on Samphire (seaweed).

More Fish!!                                                                 Assorted Condiments.

Calamari Fritti and Garlic Prawns.                             Mystery Dishes!!

Hungarian Goulash and Beef Stroganoff                    Veal "something" and ????.

                                                Lamb Chops and German Sausages.

ARE YOU YET FULL?!?!?!?!  . . . and now come the desserts . . .

Cherries Jubilee.                                                           White Chocolate Architecture.



Baked Alaska.



Rose' Sangria served out of a Melon.  Delish!

Surprisingly, I was invited to dine at the Captain's table.   Only the second time in over 20 years with Seabourn that such an invitation has been issued.   Couldn't miss it!   He seemed nice enough, but in my mind committed the supreme faux pas.  Everyone at the table spoke English, though he often spoke with two Norwegians in their native tongue, completely shutting out the others.   Don't think this is the norm in the Emily Post book of manners!

All in all, it was a lovely day.   Eric was also at the Captain's table, so we adjourned to the TK Lounge to have a nightcap.  Lovely Limoncello!

Tomorrow is Bremerhaven, Germany..


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