Friday, October 25, 2019 - At Sea

Friday, October 25, 2019 - At Sea

A very quiet day yesterday, at sea - except for an exceptional round of Team Trivia - we rocked!!  Bonus question at the end was to name all of Henry VII wives and how they ended, or survived.   After much discussion, writing furiously and sharing ideas, we submitted our answers, and believe we got them all correct!!   WOW!   We all felt like geniuses!!

Here's a photo of my favorite waiter on the pool deck, Steve, and a bottle of wine that was recommended to me by Joanna, head Sommelier, because she knows I love Viognier.  It's from the northern part of the Rhone -  very good, but believe my favorite is still Lambert Bridge Viognier.   The difficulty with drinking this wine outside on deck, is that it heated up in our glasses too quickly - won't order it again unless inside.


Had such high hopes for our dinner last evening with assistant Cruise Director, Jessica.
John and Sandi, she was our Assistant Cruise Director on the Quest, in January while in Antarctica.  Very sweet - nice young woman.

However, the gentleman to my left spoke just like Walter Winchell - do you remember him - an old newscaster on radio?  High pitched, nasally, loud, and staccato.   All movements matched his voice.  Gave me a headache, while I smiled through it!   At end of dinner, those of us left at table got on to a discussion of Brexit (there were two Brits at table), and then, of course, discussion of Trump.   It began because the Brit said that he almost always has a joke about American politics, particularly this president,  and on this ship everyone had been most receptive.  I smilingly responded, that I would appreciate his refraining, because no matter what, this was my president, like him or not.  Though I didn't much like the former president, thought most jokes were inappropriate.  Next question, "Do you like him?".  Knew I was going to jump into the deep end and responded in the affirmative.  Stated that although I didn't much like his manner most of the time, liked what he was getting done - that in my lifetime, a president who managed to do what he said he would do when running for office was indeed unusual and deserved my respect.

Well, I immediately became a target of the two remaining men at table.  One gentleman, an immigrant from Yugoslavia when he was nineteen, should have known better!   Won't go into detail, but it was most uncomfortable.   Tried to keep my comments neutral and in a gentle voice - they didn't pick up on my "gentle" attitude . . . impossible!

Extricated myself from the table as gently and gracefully as possible. . .


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