Thursday and Friday, November 14 and 15, 2019 - At Sea

Thursday and Friday, November 14 and 15, 2019 - At Sea

Yesterday and today are filled with more eating, sleeping and drinking - such a tough life!!

Time to take out the suitcases and begin to get packing - UGH!

Last evening the Seabourn Singers and Dancers performed a tribute to Tim Rice, great lyricist who has worked with Andrew Webber, Elton John (Lion King) and others.  Songs from Lion King, Evita,

Also lots of trivia the last three days - today, Friday, is the last.   Our team has not done too well, but we are ever hopeful to make a spectacular recovery!

Don't know if Gervaise will make it to Team Trivia today.   She is suffering a bit of mal de mer - and not doing well.   Believe she is currently in the infirmary getting something to alleviate her discomfort.   Do hope it works!!

This morning attended a cooking class with Chef Lindsay.  He showed us how to make Lobster and Saffron Risotto.  He made it in the classic way until the end when he shoved in a pound of butter - UGH - he said to achieve the desired creaminess!   Doesn't he know that the Arborio rice gets creamy on its own when cooked properly?  Am bringing home the recipe, but will not include so much butter - definitely not necessary!!


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