Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - Great Harbour, Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - Great Harbour, Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands

Photo taken from internet - ship is anchored just off shore at White Beach.
Very beautiful!

Named for an early Dutch settler and former pirate, Jost Van Dyke runs deep with rugged scenery and colorful folklore.  Explore vegetation covered sugar mill ruins, old trails that crisscross the island and the East End's natural sea-formed Jacuzzi, or observe whales and dolphins.  Measuring just four miles by three and with fewer than 300 inhabitants, theBVI's smallest island has been home to Arawak Indians, Caribs, Dutch, Africans and the British.  Notable inhabitants have included William Thornton, architect of the U.S. Capitol Building, and Jon Lettsome founder of the London Medical Society. Food and fun abound on Jost Van Dyke, with numerous places to indulge in favored cuisine, such as barbecues, West Indian rotes, flying fish sandwiches, grilled fresh fish and lobster.

Lovely day today.   Decided not to go into shore for a short visit, perhaps a swim.   Rather, we spent the morning by the ship's pool, getting our shots of Vitamin D and my doing lots of swimming - felt really good to move around in the water!

Very hot today, those who did choose to go in had a hair raising ride in a shuttle, over the hill to a beautiful beach.   Apparently not only was the vehicle pretty rickety, but the roads are little better than badly paved paths.   Many who got off the tender, turned around and came back because of the heat.

We enjoyed lunch on deck as the chef came out and made tacos on demand.   Delicious and very good production line with Hotel Director, Cruise Director and Food Service Director lending a hand.    Gervaise had a massage, I had a nap and got ready for the evening.   Was to get yet another award, as on this leg of the journey, am the most traveled with Seabourn. Received another Tiffany box - this one quite large and am not certain how I'm going to get it into my suitcase.   Also a beautiful bouquet of flowers which were sent to our suite during dinner.    On our arrival back in the suite, we had to get rid of the lilies because the sweet odor was nauseating!!   They now sit in a pile out on the balcony, while in the vase there are beautiful orchids, ginger and some other exotic flowers - thankfully no super sweet aromas!!

Just received this photo via email, from the Cruise Specialist!   Who's the little old lady with the blue bag?!?!?

Added this one on Saturday morning just prior to leaving ship.

Our dinner was most enjoyable as we were invited to the Staff Captain's table.   The Staff Captain is second in command on the ship.   Kyriakos was most charming.    Other guests at the table included a couple who grew up, met and married in the Mission District of San Francisco, - and celebrating 57 years on this cruise!   Also being born in the Mission, we swapped memories, and Gervaise remembered all of the addresses of her aunts and uncles in that neighborhood!!

Tonight's dinner was created by the Chef de Cuisine, Lindsay.  Never have I seen a single Seabourn chef so visible on a daily basis, and one who is so approachable.   Always smiling, always trying to accommodate.   Lovely man, talented chef - Lindsay!   Hope he is once again on the ship when I rejoin this ship at the end of April 2020!

I have no photos for this day - well, I do, but they are on my phone, and can only transfer over when we are in port - know there's another way, but some things just elude me!!

I will include a photo of a dessert we had tonight and will add it to the blog when we reach Miami on Saturday.   Dessert was called Sesame Bun.   When it arrived it looked like a mini hamburger, with French fries and all the trimmings.   Look for a photo and the description at a later date.

Added this photo on Saturday morning, prior to leaving ship.

Here the description of this dessert:

Sesame Bun

milk chocolate mousse pate (hamburger), 
pistachio and almond nougatine churros (French fries)
Apricot and passion fruit jelly (cheese)
Strawberry coulee (catsup)

PS:   I did open the Tiffany box and found two gorgeous champagne flutes - not certain how I'm going to get these home without breaking!!  Keep your fingers crossed.


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