January 15 - Puerto Montt, Chile

. . . or we can rename this town,  "City of the Sleeping Dogs"!!


This last was the best one - doesn't that dog look totally cozy???

Believe that all of these dogs who don't appear to belong to any one person, must roam through the night, and when the sun comes up they all go to sleep - totally exhausted.   There are everywhere!!

We tendered ashore and decided to walk the main streets.   There is such a heap of ramshackle buildings.   One wonders how they hold up in bad weather.  In the distance there are some modern buildings which could be hotels.  I don't recall these newer buildings being here when last I visited.
We walked and meandered about two miles total, looking into shops, and mostly enjoying the individual purveyors of fresh fruit and veggies, and assorted other exotic foods.   Will let the photos do the talking!

The meat market had the odors of very well-aged meat - in fact, the meat was more brown than red!

Dried Eel

                                                                                  What shall I buy???

From way-too-large fava beans (they'll be very tough once cooked) to candy - tons of goods for sale everywhere.


Puerto Montt is a port city and commune in southern Chile, located in the northern end of the Reloncavi Sound in the Llanquihue Province, Los Lagos Region.   In our first visit here, Adolfo and I did an all-day tour which included lunch at a beautiful lake, Petrohue Falls, and a boat tour on Lago Esmeralda where we were able to view three massive volcanoes, the main being Osarno - all snow-capped.   John and Sandi preferred to walk the town, so that we did!

There is a very pretty old church near the town square (Plaza de Armes) - Catedral de Puerto Montt.  Here are photos.  Note that most flowers in the church are all "pretend"!



Back to the ship for a late lunch on deck, and then retired for a wonderful nap.   Caviar and our own wine from Casa Marin in my suite, a pre-dinner folklorico show with entertainers from the nearby town, and then on to dinner for the famous Thomas Keller buttermilk fried chicken in the Colonnade.   The chicken was delicious though the crunchy batter was a bit much.   Didn't need so much of it around the chicken, but it was probably what kept the chicken inside so tasty and moist.

Left John and Sandi to enjoy a nightcap in the Observation Lounge and I went to bed.  Am fighting a sore throat, and with the help of Airborne am determined to be the victor!!


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