January 17 and 18 - Cruising the Chilean Fjords and El Brujo Glacier

I love days at sea.  The hours of the day go by in a lovely, relaxed atmosphere.   The only challenge is to keep one's balance as we traverse the ship.   We've hit a few rocky patches, but not that has sent me to bed!

Can't remember if I've already told this, but have decided to try acupuncture while on the ship.   Will have ten sessions, mostly targeting the swelling in my left ankle (from the surgery).   Have so far had three sessions.   They are not painful, last approximately 45 minutes, and then I'm once again on my way.   Am hopeful that this will turn around the swelling that has plagued me since my ankle replacement surgery a little over one year ago.

Yesterday, while John was at the gym, he began sending texts.   Our ship "celebrity" seems to turn up wherever we are, so John continues his sightings.   The celebrity's name has evolved from Dick Rickles, to Rickie Dickles.   This falls more trippingly off the tongue, especially when one is drinking wine!   Sorry for the fuzzy photo, but this is the best I can do - hope you can read it!

We three met for the pre-dinner show.   The Seabourn Singers and dancers are made up of two young women and two young men (all singers), and a male and female team who are Russian trained ballet dancers, and those two put together some wonderful choreography.   The music was excellent -  lots of talent in this group!

We then went on to dinner at the Colonnade, where John had made reservations.   Tonight would be rib-eye steak night, ala TK.  Really delicious dinner, and would you believe we had the table right next to Rickie Dickles!!   To make it even worse, the man behind me from Europe spent the whole evening regaling his table mates with everything he believed to be wrong with Americans and our culture.   He's certainly does have a right to his own thoughts, but to be so loud about it on a ship where most of the guests are American is a bit insensitive - don't you think?   At one point, I toyed with the idea of loading my spoon with mashed potatoes and launching the blob over my head and into his lap!   That thought entertained me for quite a while!

After dinner, it was a turn at the Blackjack table, where we were lucky, and so to bed .. . .

Next Day:

Today I awoke and pulled open the curtains to find these beautiful vistas right off my deck!


This morning, we were invited to a breakfast in Eric's suite.   He is in an owner suite at the bow of the ship, and has lots of space.  The ship's kitchen staff brought in lovely pastries,  quiches, eggs with lobster and miniature eggs Benedict - all yummy.  At the bar were choices of Mimosas or Bloody Mary's.

. . . while out on deck they were serving hot chocolate and fresh donuts.   The wind was so strong that the donuts were blowing off the serving dish.   The deck looked as though it had been raining donuts!!!



The celebratory occasion was cruising of the Sarmiento Channel and our approach to
the El Brujo Glacier.



Sarmiento Channel is a principal Patagonia channel, which extends in a north-south direction.  It is the southward continuation of the Guia Narrows (Angostura Guia) and is located in Magallanes y Antartica Chilean Region.  The kawesqar people sailed its waters from around 6,000 years ago until the end of the 20th century, as they inhabited its coasts.   The channel is named after Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa who was a Spanish explorer.  He navigated the region's waterways between 1579 and 1580.

This area has many glaciers throughout the Cordillera Sarmiento, one of which is El Brujo - very famous and very beautiful!

The scenery today has been truly magnificent.   Very strong (in appearance), barren mountains line the channel on either side of the ship, further decorated with swaths of fog - beautiful!   After a lovely dinner in the Restaurant, we retired to the Observation Lounge to continue our viewing and enjoy a nightcap.   At 10:30 p.m., it was still light out, but fading.

Left John and Sandi in the Observation Lounge to retire but changed my mind and went to the Casino.   Played poker for a change and just when I began a downward slide (that eventually always happens!), I was dealt three nines and won very big.   Left the table immediately and went home winners!!  Usually found where I am gambling, the law of diminishing returns is currently at rest!  Am certain that it will make its appearance soon!


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